About IBFC

IBFC is a multi-stakeholder initiative to strengthen the Indian blended finance ecosystem. 

Knowledge Sharing

Sharing local market knowledge and experience to build understanding of the blended finance market.

Capacity Building

Building local capacity and collaboration across different structures and stakeholders to drive synergy and wider participation.

Market and Policy landscape

Deepening understanding of local policy and regulatory guidelines which impact blended finance transactions.

Objectives of IBFC

The Indian blended finance market is still nascent with fragmented information and limited resources. Therefore, the IBFC has been envisioned to scale blended finance structures in India by:

Creating a coherent blended finance narrative with a strong base of taxonomy as well as evidence through research and consistent publications

Socializing and building the knowledge of the blended finance structures among diverse stakeholders

Enabling synergies & partnerships among a wider base of stakeholders to drive the exchange of resoures, knowledge, and skills on blended finance

Importance of IBFC

IBFC intends to strengthen the knowledge base on blended finance best practices so that it can be effectively employed to meet and exceed development objectives. By helping interested parties receive a better understanding of which structures complement their impact thesis and how to efficiently manage inputs for optimal outputs, IBFC will help position blended finance as a powerful tool to drive sustainable, social impact.

Partner with us

Build research, knowledge & innovation for scaling blended finance transactions

Create new opportunities for engagement and participation of different stakeholders [philanthropic, public and private capital)

Amplify and advocate for development of the Indian blended finance eco-system

Existing Partners


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