Second Edition | FY 22-23

Blended Finance


Welcome to Blended Finance Bulletin!

Industry Insights

Unlocking the Promise of Blended Finance in India

How blended finance can play a key role in supporting the government's development agenda


Voice of Market

Platform Based Approach to Blended Finance

Interview with Michael & Susan Dell Foundation India on the importance of building a pipeline of organisations that can scale blended finance.


Blended Finance: A Blueprint to Collaborate

Interview with Samhita Social Ventures on the need for tailored solutions for blended finance.


Market Spotlight

Innovative Finance to Support Nano Entrepreneurs in a Post COVID-19 World

Caspian Debt Blended Finance Partnership for Nano Entrepreneurs: INR 150 crores ($20 million) guarantee facility to suport and rebuild small-scale enterprises


Driving Evidence for High Impact Healthcare Solutions

Utkrisht Impact Bond: $10 million outcomes-based funding program to strengthen the quality of maternal and newborn health


What's New!

Discover Upcoming Blended Finance Interventions in India


Disclaimer: Data and Information in this newsletter is made available in good faith with the exclusive intention of helping market and ecosystem players, policymakers and the public build a greater understanding of the Indian impact investing market. The data is collated from sources believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of publication. Readers are urged to exercise independent judgment and diligence in the usage of this information for any investment decisions

Some of the information provided in this newsletter is supplied by third parties. It is important that all users understand that third party information is not an endorsement of any nature and has been put together with the sole purpose of benefiting stakeholders.

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